Table of Contents


TestPack - Suite of benchmark tests class (Decida Itcl Class)




          TestPack  <instance-name>


-project project name
-module name of circuit module
-postlayout if 1: postlayout schematic
-modelfile models file
-netlistdir directory where netlists are found
-vccio_nom specify nominal vccio power-supply voltage (V)
-vccaux_nom specify nominal vccaux power-supply voltage (V)
-vcc_nom specify nominal vcc power-supply voltage (V)
-temp_nom specify nominal temperature (deg C) {default 65C}
-temp_low specify low temperature (deg C) {default -40C}
-temp_high specify high temperature (deg C) {default 125C}


constructor {args} Set configuration arguments (args).
configure {args} Set configuration arguments (args).
get {what} Return tech, all_cases, current_case, case_key, process, temp, vccio, vccaux, vcc, sim_cmd, or sub_cmd
summary Print summary of test-pack and case table
case_table Print case_table
add-tests {{test1 title1} {test2 title2} ...} body} Add new tests (all with same body)
go {args} Read command-line parameters and perform tests tests can also be specified in args to hard-code tests to be done. Tests will be done in the order specified by add-tests


Richard Booth, Michael McLennan, George Howlett

Table of Contents