Table of Contents


data:view - editable data viewer (Decida Procedure)


          data:view d0 args


d0 data object
args pairs of data column names, or OPTIONS


-frame <frame-name> Name of frame widget to pack view window in. Can also be ".". If this is not specified, top-level is created.
-start after a pair of data columns are specified, starts a notebook page
-overlay after a pair of data columns are specified, overlays the current page
-stack after a pair of data columns are specified, stacks on the current page
-next after a pair of data columns are specified, starts a new page
-plotargs specify plotting arguments for the next plot


            data d
            d read tr.out
            d view
            [data d] read vco.out
              d view \
                -plotargs "-ymin 0" \
                TIME VINM -start TIME VINP -overlay TIME VOUT -overlay \
                -plotargs "-ymin 0" \
                TIME VINM -next  TIME VINP -overlay TIME VCK  -stack


Read Data File display file browser to select data file to read
Write column format writes current working data set to a file in column-oriented format
Print all plots prints all notebook pages
Accept Data working data set copied to main data set
Restore Data main data set copied to working data set
Re-order data specify columns for re-ordering data set
Close close dataview window, do not exit decida
Exit Decida exit decida


Statistics print time,signal statistics
Duty-cycle open new dataview window with duty-cycl, frequency, period versus time.
FFT Fourier transform.
IFFT Inverse Fourier transform.
Jitter dlock jitter calculation and dataview window with jitter vs time, etc.
Time-Constant calculate time-constant from exponential curve.


select current XCOL and current YCOL


Start plots YCOL_vs_XCOL curve
Overlay plots YCOL_vs_XCOL curve on current plot, overlayed
Stack plots YCOL_vs_XCOL curve on current plot, stacked above last curve
Next starts new notebook page and plots YCOL_vs_XCOL curve
Delete deletes current notebook page


button 1: zoom-in Pressing down button 1 starts a zoom-in operation. Holding button 1 down and moving to new location displays a zoom-in box with endpoints at original location and current location. Releasing button 1 changes axes limits of graph to those of the zoom-in box.
button 2: restore Pressing down button 2 returns axes limits to the original ones.
button 3: line parameter report Pressing down button 3 starts a line-segment operation for reporting slope and intercepts. Holding down, moving, then releasing define a line-segment. After release, a report of the line-parameters of the defined line segment: slope, y-intercept, x-intercept. For a single press and release, only x and y are reported.
shift-button 3: curve label operation Pressing down button 3 with shift held down starts a curve-label operation. Holding down, moving, then releasing defines a line-segment. After release, prompt for text for the label, and whether or not to add an arrow.
shift-button 1: delete curve label operation Pressing down button 3 with shift held down starts a delete curve-label operation. Holding down, moving, then releasing defines a delete box. After release, any markers within the delete box are removed.
control-button 3: data removal operation Pressing down button 3 with control held down starts a data removal operation. Holding down, moving, then releasing defines a delete box (red). After release, any data points (XCOL, YCOL) are deleted from the working data set.


button 1: select page Button 1 selects notebook page connected to the tab.
button 3: lift off page Button 3 lifts the notebook page out of the notebook into a new window. Deleting the new window returns the plot to the notebook.


Write PostScript File Display FileSpecify dialog. Write current plot to file specified.
Write and print PostScript File Prints current plot to printer specified by LPRINTER environment parameter. Print command is a Decida/Tk option.
Write and print PostScript File (specify print command)


Settings Display dialog for specifying various plot settings, including titles.
Trace increasing specify curve trace orientation: XCOL increasing is solid, XCOL decreasing is invisible
Trace decreasing specify curve trace orientation: XCOL increasing is invisible, XCOL decreasing is solid
Trace both specify curve trace orientation: XCOL increasing is solid, XCOL decreasing is solid
All squares curve is plotted with squares only
All small squares curve is plotted with small squares only
All lines curve is plotted with lines only
All lines and squares curve is plotted with lines and squares


specify symbol for current curve


specify color for current curve


specify current curve


Richard Booth, Michael McLennan, George Howlett

Table of Contents