
class decida.Balloonhelp.Balloonhelp(**kwargs)

Bases: decida.ItclObjectx.ItclObjectx


Tool-tips help class.

Balloonhelp sets up tool-tips help pop-up windows.

configuration options:

verbose (bool, default=False)

enable/disable verbose mode

active (bool, default=True)

enable/disable tool-tip display

delay (int, default=150)

number of milliseconds to delay before displaying tool-tip message after hovering over associated window.

background (str, default=”yellow”)

help label background

foreground (str, default=”black”)

help label foreground

font (str, default=”Lucida 10”)

help label font

place (str, default=”under”)

placement of help window with respect to target window. One of (“over”, “under”, “left”, “right”)

offset (int, default=”3”)

offset in x, y placement of help window with respect to target window


>>> from decida.Balloonhelp import Balloonhelp
>>> import tkinter as tk
>>> tk= tk.Tk()
>>> b= tk.Button(text="OK", command=tk.quit)
>>> b.pack()
>>> w=Balloonhelp(delay=100, background="#fcf87f")
>>> w.help_message(b, "display\n  tooltips")
>>> tk.mainloop()

public methods:

  • public methods from ItclObjectx
help_message(win, message)

bind a help message to a window.


win (tk window)

window which is to be bound

message (str)

tool-tip help message to display