XYplotm menusΒΆ
File MENU:
Write PostScript File
Display FileSpecify dialog. Write current plot to file specified.
Write and print PostScript File
- Prints current plot to printer specified by LPRINTER
environment parameter. Print command is a Decida/Tk option.
Write and print PostScript File (specify print command)
Edit MENU:
Display dialog for specifying various plot settings, including titles.
Trace increasing
- specify curve trace orientation:
XCOL increasing is solid, XCOL decreasing is invisible
Trace decreasing
- specify curve trace orientation:
XCOL increasing is invisible, XCOL decreasing is solid
Trace both
- specify curve trace orientation:
XCOL increasing is solid, XCOL decreasing is solid
All dots
curve is plotted with dots only
All small squares
curve is plotted with small squares only
All medium squares
curve is plotted with medium squares only
All large squares
curve is plotted with large squares only
All narrow lines
curve is plotted with narrow lines only
All medium lines
curve is plotted with medium lines only
All wide lines
curve is plotted with wide lines only
Autoscale x
autoscale in x-direction only
Autoscale y
autoscale in y-direction only
Autoscale both
autoscale in both x- and y-directions
Delete current curve
remove the current curve from the plot
Symbol MENU:
- specify symbol for current curve
Color MENU:
- specify color for current curve
Curve MENU:
- specify current curve